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Ion Guns

General blurb about ion guns? We offer the following models with customization upon request [etc]... 

Energy < 10kV

Model 1401: General Purpose Sputtering

Model 1402: Low Energy

Model 1401: TOF/SIMS Source

Model 1407: High Current Density Spot

Energy 10kV - 160kV

Model 1403-10: 10kV TOF/SIMS Source w/ Wien Filter

Model 1420: 1keV to 20keV Gas Phase 

Model 1450: 5keV to 50keV

Model X: 160kV Ion/Proton Source

Integrated Wien Filter

Model 1402W:  Low Energy Gun w/ Wien Filter

Model 1407W: High Current Density Spot w/ Wien Filter

Model 1403-10: 10kV TOF/SIMS Source w/ Wien Filter

Alkali Metal Guns

Model 1401Cs: Alkali Sputter Gun

Model 1403Cs: Alkali TOF/SIMS Source

Ion Guns

NTI ion guns are used for materials research, surface analysis and solar wind simulation among other applications. They are built to order, and we will be happy to customize the systems according to your needs.

Energy < 10kV

Energy 10kV - 160kV

Model 1403-10: 10kV TOF/SIMS Source w/ Wien Filter

Model X: 160kV Ion/Proton Source

With Integrated Wien Filter

Model 1407W: High Current Density Spot w/ Wien Filter

Model 1403-10: 10kV TOF/SIMS Source w/ Wien Filter

Alkali Metal Guns

Model 1401Cs: Alkali Sputter Gun

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