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Ion Gun Model 1402

Low Energy Ion Gun

Ion Gun Model 1450

High Energy Ion Gun

1450 5keV to 50kV high energy ion gun
  • Adjustable spot size ≥ 5um for spatially defined sputtering or implantation

  • Emission regulated bombardment provides stable ion current

  • Continuously variable beam energy 5kV to 50kV

  • Dual octupole for beam scanning and astigmatism correction

  • Pre-objective scanning for reduced spot size

  • No direct filament to sample line of sight to avoid sample contamination

  • Customer replaceable filaments and beam trimming apertures

  • Dual filaments provide operational backup in case of filament end of life

  • All UHV compatible and etch resistant materials used in fabrication

  • Differential pumping to minimize main chamber gas load

  • Operates over the range of inert gases and Nitrogen

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