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Ion Gun Model 1402

Low Energy Ion Gun

Ion Gun Model 1407

High Current Density Spot

The Nonsequitur Technologies Model 1407 Ion gun features Duoplasmatron level performance from a conventional electron impact ionization source. Applications include Auger or SIMS depth profiling where a small crater is desired to avoid damage to adjacent sample areas and TEM/SEM sample preparation. The very high attainable etch rate also permits the column to  be used for sectioning of  thick films and microstructures.

1407 high current density spot ion gun
  • Unique ion source for stable emission

  • Dual Tungsten alloy filaments

  • UHV Construction

  • Power supply and deflection supply in a in a single 5¼ 19” rack mount    

  • Electrical connections and gas inlet all rear of housing for simplified   

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